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Production Year 2017
Anatomy of...The Reversed Hook (02/26/2017) - vimeoLink
Music: Georgia Greenberg
Leaving Onionland (02/02/2017) - vimeoLink
Sound: gabbermikeg
SUPER 8 (01/29/2017) - vimeoLink
Music: Messer Chups
Le Clou du Spectacle (01/02/2017) - vimeoLink
Music: The Joy Drops, suonho
Production Year 2016
Anatomy of...The Heelix (12/10/2016) - vimeoLink
Music: Noisesurfer
Anatomy of...T-Slide Twister (10/01/2016) - vimeoLink
Music: Juanitos
Anatomy of...The Diamond G-Slide (08/24/2016) - vimeoLink
Music: Paul Keeley
Anatomy of...The Cutting Edge (07/20/2016) - vimeoLink
Music: The Funky Filter
NUMBERS III (05/16/2016) - vimeoLink
The legend ends here. You are about to watch the third and final installment of the infamous NUMBERS trilogy. For transcendental viewing pleasure we urge you to watch it naked, in the highest possible definition, on a giant screen, and with your volume turned all the way up. Please feel free to sext us naughty selfies if you dig it.
Music: Nine Inch Nails
Anatomy of...The Risky Lifting (05/06/2016) - vimeoLink
Music: Erdbeerschnitzel
Anatomy of...The Crabby Twister (04/18/2016) - vimeoLink
Music: Hux Capacitor
NUMBERS III - Trailer 2 (03/23/2016) - vimeoLink
Music: Nine Inch Nails
NUMBERS III - Trailer 1 (03/04/2016) - vimeoLink
Music: Nine Inch Nails
NUMBERS III - Teaser (01/05/2016) - vimeoLink
Music: Com Truise
Production Year 2015
ANATOMY OF...The Double Trouble (11/30/2015) - vimeoLink
Music: Numer 6
ANATOMY OF...The Sunwalk (11/21/2015) - vimeoLink
Moonwalk is so 1982...when people only thought in one direction. Nowadays you need to watch your back and turn around once in a while...
Music: The Soulstatejazz Band
ANATOMY OF...The Crabble (10/08/2015) - vimeoLink
Crabble it...just a little bit.
Music: Thallus
ANATOMY OF...The Puppetmaster (09/15/2015) - vimeoLink
All strings attached.
Music: M.W.D.
no-repetition-routine 5: misc. (08/05/2015) - vimeoLink
Music: Aesop Rock feat Camp Lo
ANATOMY OF...The UpTown (08/02/2015) - vimeoLink
Who cares about the Downtown if there is an UpTown.
Music: BoomClickClap
Anatomy of...The JBiggle (07/19/2015) - vimeoLink
Music: Offtopic
Anatomy of...The Asymmetric Vortex (05/27/2015) - vimeoLink
Be sure to alternate the launch into the vortex (open/V-shape vs. closed/parallel).
Music: Com Truise
Anatomy of...The Wiggling Split (04/17/2015) - vimeoLink
Get a wiggle on and get this wiggle done....
Music: Thallus
Anatomy of...The Infamous Cog Wheels (03/13/2015) - vimeoLink
Very sophisticated and VERY slow backwards skating. This move is great for racing against each other. We can do it as fast as others do fast backwards.
Music: Sereck
Production Year 2014
no-repetition-routine 4: lines (12/20/2014) - vimeoLink
Long story short: no-repetition-routine 4: lines!
Music: Oddlogic
Anatomy of...The X-Berg Shuffle (11/20/2014) - 9 MB vimeoLink
With the soon to be world-famous X-Berg Shuffle you rule every rink...
Music: Arkist & Komonazmuk
Anatomy of...The ToeToToe (11/03/2014) - 7 MB vimeoLink
To do the ToeToToe you have to go toe-to-toe with the ToeToToe.
Music: Leif
Phantom of the Louvre (10/21/2014) - 3 MB vimeoLink
In order to find proof that Belphégor the infamous phantom of the Louvre exists a team of ghost hunters is currently watching old surveillance footage. The scoop: They did find something very strange, something that may be Belphégor shapeshifted. We will keep you updated...
Anatomy of...The Infamous Cradle (09/17/2014) - 5 MB vimeoLink
Without the help of Sir Isaac Newton this would never have been possible.
Music: Daisy Chain
no-repetition-routine 3: standing splits (08/24/2014) - 15 MB vimeoLink
Get ready for part 3 of the famous infamous no-repetition-routine which starts of precisely where part 2 ended (after the standing split clock-transition).
Music: The Soulstatejazz Band
Anatomy of...The Blowfish (08/11/2014) - 5 MB vimeoLink
This move is more poisonous than cyanide!
Music: The Sight Below
NUMBERS 2 (@home) (06/102014) - 45 MB vimeoLink
The Infamous Skating Couple hereby releases the highly anticipated sequel to their smash hit NUMBERS. Can you dig it?!
Music: The Black Arrow, Benny B. Blonco, Madame, Fallgrapp
Anatomy of...The Half Nelson (05/27/2014) - 5 MB vimeoLink
Caution! Some skaters live in roller rinks and are not used to fresh air. Those may show allergic reactions to flowers while doing this trick.
Music: Memotone
no-repetition-routine 2: VA variations (05/02/2014) - x MB vimeoLink
Part 2 of the gigantic infamous no-repetition-routine starts of precisely where part 1 ended (after the barrel roll-transition).
Music: Just Plain Ant
minus/plus wheels (04/22/2014) - 3 MB vimeoLink
Some pivots a day keep the doctor away.
Music: Adhesion
Anatomy of...The T-Crab (03/27/2014) - 5 MB vimeoLink
The T-Crab makes you irresistible on the dancefloor.
Music: Mux Mool
no-repetition-routine 1: toe jamming (03/13/2014) - 13 MB vimeoLink
Those who saw the couple live in action probably know their infamous no-repetition-routines where they chain one move after another without a single repetition. Notice that a toe jam (crazy leg) to the left followed by a toe jam to the right would already count as a repetition and in the whole routine no repetition of any move is allowed... which gives this updated version of the common dancing routines a modern twist but also makes it quite a challenge when it comes to designing and performing it. However, each of the couples routines constists of exactly 31 different moves and mostly has a special theme where one kind of move gets modified over and over again. The routine ends with a transition into the next routine so that it can grow and flow endlessly. The couple started working on the gigantic routine about two years ago and continues to do so until death does it apart.
Music: Kenny Hubcitynative aka So-Me
Anatomy of...The Insane Legs (02/16/2014) - 2 MB vimeoLink
During your development into a first-class black belt skater the INSANE LEGS will probably push your skills to the limit.
Music: Willits & Sakamoto
NUMBERS 2 (@home) - Teaser (02/06/2014) - 1 MB vimeoLink
Get ready for another superbly crafted, stylishly executed, fast moving and tightly plotted piece of art.
Music: Adhesion
Anatomy of...The Cornered Pivot (01/15/2014) - 6 MB vimeoLink
Some pivots a day keep the doctor away.
Music: Zomblaze
The Infamous Warrior (01/05/2014) - 5 MB vimeoLink
Wanna make yourself the best skater possible? All you need is the Infamous Warrior, a high-end skate built for ruling the middle and a perfect weapon to win every contest. The Infamous Warrior is superior to everything on the market and can be used for all styles of skating.
Follow The Infamous Skating Couple on facebook!
Music: A smile for timbuctu
2014: State of Affairs (01/02/2014) - 02 MB vimeoLink
We had to put things right.
Music: Josh Elliott
Production Year 2013
TISC: This is how we roll... (12/25/2013) - 5 MB vimeoLink
Follow The Infamous Skating Couple on facebook!
Music: Dharma
Anatomy of...The Mouble U (12/06/2013) - 5 MB vimeoLink
Don't even try to do that without palm trees in the background.
Music: Langer
ANATOMY OF... The T Line (11/24/2013) - 7 MB vimeoLink
There is a very special secret behind this supersexy move: Once you master it, every wo/man in the world wants to make love to you every day.
Music: The Council Flats of Kingsbury
ANATOMY OF...The Accidental Trick (11/13/2013) - 5 MB vimeoLink
It all happened by accident when the couple was trying to learn a decent move from one of those not so decent internet videos. It was dark, low-res and out of focus and the couple could only guess what was going on... But finally - as always - they nailed it! About one year later they met the skater in person. He was high-res, sharp and shiny. Proud and thankful the couple showed him his move...a move he did not know AT ALL. The one he did in the video was completely different as it turned out...
Music: Plushgoolash
Infamous Skating Clown (11/11/2013) - 8 MB vimeoLink
A chilling jam skate study of evil.
Sound: oscillator, Freed, dal_kas, klankbeeld
Music: Cayzland Music
ANATOMY OF...The Infamous Shizzle (09/23/2013) - 5 MB vimeoLink
No dizzle the hottest shizzle you fizzles!
Music: Crookram
NUMBERS (09/11/2013) - 137 MB vimeoLink
A fearless duo with a dangerous bag of tricks brings you the filthiest skateporn on the planet...
Music: Siavash Ghanbari, Ekkis, Crookram, Prod.B, Niteffect, DJ Concept, Dark, Michna, Crookram, Superpoze, B-Ju, Superpoze, Crookram, Zomblaze, Superpoze, adeiLhp, DJ Friss
ANATOMY OF... The LT Clock (08/28/2013) - 6 MB vimeoLink
If you master this move you are less inhibited and more "hang loose" than other skaters.
Music: Crookram
ANATOMY OF... The Kooky Crab Walk (08/26/2013) - 7 MB vimeoLink
Some peeps asked us to do tutorials, so consider this as that. Of course (as always) arty farty and stuff...
Music: Aske
TISC: A hair-raising and heart-stopping journey into skating (08/18/2013) - 3 MB vimeoLink
Follow The Infamous Skating Couple on facebook!
Music: Certified 35
NUMBERS - Trailer (03/31/2013) - 12 MB vimeoLink
The Infamous Skating Couple's adventures across Europe will dramatically change your life...Soon!
Music: Ending Satellites
Angelo ribelle su fondo rosso (01/23/2013) - 09 MB vimeoLink
If the cinema no longer existed, Sascha Dornhöfer alone would be capable of re-inventing it.
Music: ERH
Production Year 2012
Jim & John: Skating Mutants! (11/16/2012) - 03 MB vimeoLink
These two no-brainers have only one skill left.
Music: Lee Rosevere
Organic Drifting (05/26/2012) - 43 MB vimeoLink
Somewhere in the remote woods…
Music: Tilman
LAST EXIT: N.W.O. – Staccato-Cut (05/20/2012) - 14 MB vimeoLink
Your world ends with you.
Music: The Hamster Alliance
93 - The Lost Kenneth Anger Movie (05/15/2012) - 8 MB vimeoLink
13.567 American films that had been considered lost to history unearthed in Berlin Kreuzberg, Germany. Acclaimed filmmaker and noted visual perception researcher Dr. Sascha M. Dornhofer, holder of the largest private collection of films with more than 10 Million reels, went public recently with this astonishing piece of news. "The Big Re-Premiere", as he calls it, "is launching soon" and as an appetizer he now has released a "little nugget" from one of his favorite directors Kenneth Anger.
Music: Dmitriy Rodionov
What Did People Do Before Disco? (03/03/2012) - 16 MB vimeoLink
"At the hottest night spots, four things are happening. First men and women are being brought together. Disco is a very social activity. Second, people are dancing. Third, a unique environment is being created using special electronic lighting effects and powerful sound systems. In these disco environments, soft lighting mixes with shadows away from the dance floors, and bright, flashing lights create a stage-show-like atmosphere around the dancers. Fourth, reality is left outside the disco's door, so that inside, fantasy has a chance to thrive."
McGill, L. (1980). Disco Dressing: A Complete Guide for Men and Women on How to Create Seven Smash Disco Looks. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Music: Anchor Méjans
pARACRIMESOFTHEFLUXDROIDs (01/27/2012) - 77 MB vimeoLink
Epic (one of the most misused and overused filler words in the English language)!
Music: Paradroid, Kettle Blacksmith
Production Year 2011
Hello Scream (from the Dead) (10/25/2011) - 15 MB vimeoLink
The Dead King's Halloween Speech.
Music: 7OOP3D
Friedhofsarbeiten 01: Un homme de tête 02: Eight heads are better than four! (09/27/2011) - 06 MB - Videoloop (set Media Player to "repeat" with "Ctrl+t") Loopstream
Part 1 of a series on collaborations with dead artists.
Music: Richard X
Milk!!! (09/13/2011) - 08 MB - Videoloop (set Media Player to "repeat" with "Ctrl+t") Loopstream
Sounds: roscoetoon, EcoDTR, Percy Duke, Dynamicell, patchen, FreqMan, redjim
Quite (a) Riot - Entlegasthenisiert (08/02/2011) - 21 MB vimeoLink
Resurrection of the past...
Music: Travis Morgan
Inner City Cruiser - ICC (07/24/2011) - 12 MB vimeoLink
There are shiny things going on in the Berlin underground...
Music: Stud
Spindizzy (06/21/2011) - 06 MB - Videoloop (set Media Player to "repeat" with "Ctrl+t") Loopstream
Vintage Wind Up Roller Skating Boy!
Music: Luftrum, gyzhor
Head Over Heels in Love with Boomer (06/07/2011) - 30 MB vimeoLink
One word: LOVE!
Music: unreal_dm (feat. Steven M Bryant - Barry Morgan)
Le avventure anali di flux: Trailer 01 (05/15/2011) - 03 MB vimeoLink
Expressing pain through fluxus...
sounds: Virotic, Suonho, Freed, Digifishmusic
Production Year 2010
The Kaleidoscope of Death Schröder (10/17/2010) - 08 MB vimeoLink
Meet Mrs. Death Schroeder. She's a knockout.
Skandal im Märchen(sch)land (07/29/2010) - 26 MB vimeoLink
Those Citizens are not into herd conformity. Although living or staying in Berlin they are clearly not interested in German soccer during the FIFA World Cup 2010. Neither in the eights/quarter/semi-finals nor in the petite finale.
Music: Modul
The Shining (06/29/2010) - 29 MB vimeoLink
That's entertainment.
Music: keinzweiter
neoFLuX-Zyklus 01 (01/05/2010) - vimeoLink
Master Cut!
Production Year 2009
So fährt der Grünofant Wheelie. (12/14/2009) - 06 MB vimeoLink
The way to do IT.
Music: Christian Pietsch
Semantic neoFLuX-Symbiosis 005: AWIGTTSOIP (11/22/2009) - 02 MB vimeoLink
Last semantic neoFLuX-Symbiosis.
Music: Headphone Science
Semantic neoFLuX-Symbiosis 004: S O S (11/16/2009) - 04 MB vimeoLink
Last but one semantic neoFLuX-Symbiosis.
Music: Tape
Semantic neoFLuX-Symbiosis 003: NAZI?! (11/15/2009) - 02 MB vimeoLink
Last but two semantic neoFLuX-Symbiosis.
Music: Nika Japaridze
neoFLuX 019: O (10/21/2009) - 09 MB vimeoLink
The last and missing link.
Music: FRAG
neoFLuX 018: Vienna Style (06/20/2009) - 06 MB vimeoLink
Understanding events without causing another: an alternative technique for new events without any traces? Yep.
Music: FRAG
The Kippenberger-Armstrongs: Polypodium Vulgare (03/27/2009) - 11 MB vimeoLink
These guys are unquestionable the best and most important contribution to rock history.
neoFLuX 017: Clean (01/05/2009) - 05 MB vimeoLink
Fast cars and coin-operated hot girls. Worldwide kissing/cruising available. First time ever offered. Please place your order by sending photos to any underrated dealer. If you dont want to be restricted to classic fools/tools, simply choose more information.
Music: Hannes
Keine Lösung (01/04/2009) - 05 MB vimeoLink
She's dead set against derangement.
Music: Die Rote Gerda
Production Year 2008
neoFLuX 016: Shave (12/16/2008) - 03 MB vimeoLink
Avoid X-Rays/5-Pin Brass Cylinders/Gamma Lindane/Experts in the science of mental processes and behavior.
Music: Kilmer
2008 - ein kurzer Rückblick (12/14/2008) - 02 MB vimeoLink
2008 - A Short Review.
Music: ESSEN
neoFLuX 015: Transfusion (10/29/2008) - 02 MB vimeoLink
In order to flux.
Music: NIN
Broken Wetware (06/13/2008) - 26 MB vimeoLink
1968: The re-emergence of the working class.
Music: keinzweiter
neoFLuX 014: Peep (04/07/2008) - 02 MB vimeoLink
If you want to buy a pocket knife from a witch doctor in Cuba try to do so in Oklahoma.
Music: Bendei
neoFLuX 013: Drag (04/01/2008) - 04 MB vimeoLink
One could easily compare movie-watching to killing but here the comparison actually means nothing.
Music: Atticus
Buyalacua (02/03/2008) - vimeoLink
Production Year 2007
Semantic neoFLuX-Symbiosis 002: ADventwReath 1/IV (12/02/2007) - 03 MB YouTubeLink
Semantic neoFLuX-Symbiosis 002: ADventwReath 2/IV (12/09/2007) - 03 MB YouTubeLink
Semantic neoFLuX-Symbiosis 002: ADventwReath 3/IV (12/16/2007) - 03 MB YouTubeLink
Semantic neoFLuX-Symbiosis 002: ADventwReath 4/IV (12/23/2007) - 03 MB YouTubeLink
... two...
... three...
... four.
Music: aluf
Creepy Magic (10/31/2007) - 15 MB vimeoLink
It's magic! (needs 3D Glasses)
neoFLuX 012: Light (10/01/2007) - 04 MB vimeoLink
Bringing a tank of oxygen to someone's grave will at least keep him alive... for a little while.
Music: heavyconfetti
neoFLuX 011: Beat (09/30/2007) - 03 MB vimeoLink
A pair of eyeball periscopes out of the sun, trailing a swimming criminal sleuth...
Music: Elco Park
Cam-Pong (07/26/2007) - 05 MB - Videoloop (set Media Player to "repeat" with "Ctrl+t") vimeoLink
A tribute to Ilie Năstase!
Music: Tangible
Semantic neoFLuX-Symbiosis 001: alphaOMEGA (06/28/2007) - 06 MB vimeoLink
neoFLuX 002 + neoFLuX 009 = Semantic neoFLuX-Symbiosis 001
Music: Elco Park
neoFLuX 010: Twist (06/27/2007) - 02 MB vimeoLink
In this incredibly slick sequel, lust lurks around every corner. A controversial survey that suggests security has fallen 10 years behind and mankind has not been born with saddles.
Music: ESSEN
neoFLuX 009: Shower (05/22/2007) - 02 MB vimeoLink
A rare demo version of an unreleased Herschell Gordon Lewis gem.
Music: Revolution Void
neoFLuX 008: One (05/20/2007) - 02 MB vimeoLink
Experience the magic of refreshing. There’s something here to ignite the imagination of everyone in your life. Just close your eyes and silently tiptoe from one spot to another. It’s irresistibly easy failing on every level.
Music: Brainsaw
Zunar-J5/9-Doric-48 (05/04/2007) - 26 MB vimeoLink
get down (04/16/2007) - 20 MB YouTubeLink
A true Berlin underground film.
Production Year 2006
Music Effects Mood (12/04/2006) - 06 MB vimeoLink
Recently, Schmidt et al. (in press) systematically reviewed more than 400 articles on this controversy. His conclusion, with which we agree (as do probably most psychology researchers), is that mood testing “is easily misunderstood and misused but that when applied with good judgement it can be an effective aid in the interpretation of life itself”.
neoFLuX 007: Drill (10/14/2006) - 03 MB vimeoLink
Without a doubt too harsh for many stomachs. Although it mixes this feeling with some of the contagious warmth, humor, and genuine emotional impact of Alexander Kluge’s Willi Tobler and the Decline of the 6th Fleet.
Music: Bubzigohn
neoFLuX 006: Replace (10/14/2006) - 02 MB vimeoLink
This horror flick is a shocker reminiscent of Fellini’s La Dolce Vita. Teeming with nasty-tempered creatures that are hopping mad and charming. Fun fact: Many of the 500 Florida frogs and 100 giant South American toads purchased for use in the film escaped during WW2. Fun fact 2: A giraffe has a 20-inch tongue!
Music: Fast Idio
neoFLuX 005: Fünf (10/14/2006) - 02 MB vimeoLink
Sexual tensions take a back seat to mystery. However, they can be a normal part of European Trash Cinema. Even if Dracula is in the providences and there is more hell than desire on Ibiza’s bitches.
Music: Adhesion
neoFLuX 004: No Message (10/14/2006) - 01 MB vimeoLink
Primal urge principles matter, even if we don’t like them. It is pointless to seek and establish some new notions. Ambassador in Honduras could be one way out but ambassador in Barcelona could be one way out of being ambassador in Honduras…
Music: Adhesion
neoFLuX 003: Climb (10/03/2006) - 03 MB vimeoLink
These images create such a warm hold on our feelings because they make us smell the sweet smell of success which was photographed too. A continuing parable about professional doing.
Music: [in]anace
neoFLuX 002: Upside Down (10/01/2006) - 04 MB vimeoLink
In order to find a pattern… a reason for things like this one has to consider what the boys mother had to consider: shoe loss, idleness… and the other, more obvious symptoms… simply flip-floped to complex XML-compatible knowledge.
Music: Elco Park
AROMA DI AMORE (09/28/2006) - 03 MB vimeoLink
An intense and experimental flick, whose complex structure allows us to explore the mind of a director driven to extremes.
neoFLuX 001: 38,14 s w/o O2 (09/18/2006) - 06 MB vimeoLink
Missing Headline: NMP creates new flux films as tribute to the last morning when Gustav and Svenson fell out of the windows of their minds and discovered 15 of the planets foremost research scientists. Admiral Brainy and 14 others!
Music: K.M. Krebs
Ratta-Tooi: Reloaded (09/11/2006) - 06 MB vimeoLink
We are pleased to announce results from follow-up eating of Ratatouille encountered on the DD Zone. This time seasoned with polonium powder and accompanied by tender and loving music from the almighty Satan himself (who is also shouting the refrain).
Teenage Bikini Zombies: The Rising (04/17/2006) - not downloadable, requires left click and Quicktime Player
„Teenage Bikini Zombies: The Rising“ succeeds in reconfiguring Romero’s zombie apocalypse without actually featuring any zombies.
Le Fin Absolute du Monde 2 (04/01/2006) - deathly
Unbearably intense. To be screened at Sitges 2006.
26°N/20°36'W (03/31/2006) - not downloadable, requires left click and Quicktime Player
The movie Hemingway never wrote.
Commercial Collection 06 (02/20/2006) - 02 MB YouTubeLink
Stanley L. Kaufman about Germanys most notorious underground filmmakers...
England: Deutschland (02/10/2006) - 05 MB vimeoLink
Learn German in England!
Online Psychologist (01/07/2006)
Act 01 - 06 MB - Videoloop (set Media Player to "repeat" with "Ctrl+t") Loopstream
Act 02 - 06 MB - Videoloop (set Media Player to "repeat" with "Ctrl+t") Loopstream
We are able to offer you quality flat rate psychological counseling for free. All consultations are - of course - secure and confidential.
Production Year 2005
Unknown Soldiers (12/31/2005) - 06 MB vimeoLink
It’s just another New Years Eve...
Waiting for Santa (12/24/2005)
Act 02 - 11 MB - Videoloop (set Media Player to "repeat" with "Ctrl+t"), Perfect Loop in Flash - 04 MB vimeoLink
Act 01 - 05 MB - Videoloop (set Media Player to "repeat" with "Ctrl+t"), Perfect Loop in Flash - 01 MB vimeoLink
The nucleus of the following film was assembled and donated by the Anonymous Arts Recovery Society.
The Card Player (11/11/2005) - 10 MB - Videoloop (set Media Player to "repeat" with "Ctrl+t") Loopstream
Alexandra Rothert’s new thriller about a serial chiller who forces the world to play video poker against him in order to save the live of the well known historian Ernest Worthing he has kidnapped doesn't rank with her worst work, but it is slow paced and predictable.
Emerge (09/05/2005)
Teaser - 04 MB YouTubeLink
Glamour is a Rocky Road...
PrAeCoGnItIoN (07/10/2005) - 03 MB YouTubeLink
Reader's Circle (07/22/2005) - 04 MB - Videoloop (set Media Player to "repeat" with "Ctrl+t") Loopstream
Theme: Skin, Technical Parameter: Make up
American Dream (07/04/2005) - not downloadable, requires left click and Quicktime Player
If there is nothing left there is still the American Dream...
Future of the City (07/01/2005) - 20 MB YouTubeLink
This concept film of NMP Academy Student Jörg Brune is intended to convince people to loan him and his crew money to make a sophisticated 70 mm feature length sequel called “The Urge of a Terrorist Hippy to Create a New City”.
Palace of Wisdom (06/28/2005) - not downloadable, requires left click and Quicktime Player
The road of excess leads to the...
Drinking Buddy (05/19/2005) - 03 MB - Videoloop (set Media Player to "repeat" with "Ctrl+t") Loopstream
No more need for ill-mannered drinking buddies to come around.
¡nebeL nedserD (04/15/2005) - 12 MB vimeoLink
All-clear! Dresden’s destruction from the “devastating flood” is no longer visible, due to the rapidity of reconstruction.
Neuanfang (04/05/2005) - not downloadable, requires left click and Quicktime Player
Shaving the Back (01/07/2005) - not downloadable, requires left click and Quicktime Player
Wow. This girl wants to be well prepared for an upcoming job interview. Watch it exclusively on
Production Year 2004
t: the 4th dimension (12/17/2004) - 05 MB vimeoLink
Finally we found the law of nature which prevents time travel paradoxes, and thereby permits time travel. It simply turns out to be the same law that makes sure light travels in straight lines, and which underpins the most straightforward version of quantum theory, developed half a century ago by Richard Feynman.
Arthouse (12/07/2004) - 07 MB vimeoLink
From his earliest youth, Dornhoefer was among the most hardened of film buffs, and from his university days an enfant terrible of art in every form. Now after only 2 years of excessive underground filmmaking he is known as the most famed and honored filmmaker ever to emerge from the nation of Germany. He radically altered the nature and meaning of the motion picture form, transfiguring a medium long devoted to spectacle into an art capable of profoundly personal meditations into the myriad struggles facing the psyche and the soul.
Milk-Feedback² (12/03/2004) - 02 MB YouTubeLink
Chris Farley, John Belushi and River Phoenix furiously finished it up with heroin. Rocky and Paul - a.k.a. the Calcium-Kids - are hooked on much harder stuff: animal proteins.
One Minute Feature Film (08/28/2004) - 05 MB vimeoLink
For this film we transposed - amongst other things - time and space axes. Normally, each frame depicts an entire space, but only a brief moment in time. Here each frame shows the ninetieth negative derivation of time in its entirety, but only a tiny portion of the space - of course with inversely proportional sound. For the first time ever we managed a phenomenological lossless compression of a feature film into one single minute. That is: Your brain will experience a 90-minute feature, although in reality only one minute has passed.
Love Conquers All (07/18/2004) - 03 MB vimeoLink
No need for bitmaps or even polygons displayed with thousands or millions of colors if you can “say” everything with single-colored vectors.
Hero-Loser (05/09/2004) - 04 MB vimeoLink
Nail extension: 40 bucks. Hair extension: 500 bucks. Breast Implants: 4000 bucks. Penis enlargement: 5000 bucks. Limb lengthening: 80000 bucks. Conclusion: size matters.
Deep Fritz (04/09/2004) - vimeoLink
Windy (01/19/2004) - 06 MB vimeoLink
A Gringo. Somewhere in Tromsø. Ugly weather. Something
horrible happened in the remote woods - and he is the sole surviver. (Why) did they spare him? WARNING! Viewer discretion is advised.
Ghetto Kids (01/02/2004) - 16 MB vimeoLink
Compared to other kids living in the ghetto near the airport those are different: they don't do drugs, they love fresh air and are able to critically analyze situations. We watched them closely on christmas vacation.
Production Year 2003
Mutanthoefers Brood (12/18/2003) - 02 MB vimeoLink
Mutanthoefer and his also mutated girlfriend (remember his curse...) got an offspring. The little cutie is called L.I.S.A. and lives in a bottle with liquid fertilizer (crystal Gatorade mixed with barbiturate). Unfortunately she's suffering from "psoriasis" but the little fishes from Turkey are a great cure - they love rotten danders. However, L.I.S.A. likes Sam Peckinpath's movies and the music of John Zorn.
Buried Dreams: Final (11/27/2003) - 07 MB YouTubeLink
Sequel to the acclaimed Buried Dreams. Be sure that you've seen part 1.
Reverse Angle (11/02/2003) - 04 MB vimeoLink
His 1984-Quadangle, her 1969-Schwinn-Stingray and Rainer Werner Fassbinder are crossing the line
in this rare gem of "Newest German Cinema".
Curse of Mutanthoefer (10/28/2003) - 02 MB vimeoLink
Experience his awful Curse. Not for squeamish, not for the prudish.
Puzzle King (09/12/2003) - 36 MB vimeoLink
Ever since Hans Peter Schmidt had a passionate interest in the study of 3D forms and in exploring the hidden possibilities of combinations of forms and material in theory and practice. Back in 1981 he was the youngest Rubik Cube solver ever (7 years old). Although he often did the Cube, he could not explain how. Later (at the age of 12) it was him, who found out that the number of different unsolved configurations that can be reached on the original Rubik's Cube is a prime number. Now lay back and watch this guy as he solves one Rubik Puzzle after the other...
Devastating Flood (08/31/2003) - 03 MB vimeoLink
Remember the flood that caused damage to a great part of Germany back in 2002? This brave citizen of Dresden opposes news-censorship and reveals the true origin of the devastation.
Mutanthoefer 3D (08/23/2003) - 01 MB YouTubeLink
Mutanthoefer in glorious 3D - go and get those stylish glasses.
Stabber Horst (08/22/2003) - 06 MB - TromaDance Selection 2004 vimeoLink
Horst - a notorious stabbing artist - shows off. Out of respect for Gizmo the Mogwai...
Mutanthoefer (06/17/2003) - 01 MB vimeoLink
Mutantnhoefers girlfriend shows her womanly tact.
Ratta-Tooi (06/05/2003) - 04 MB - TromaDance Selection 2004 vimeoLink
Yeah. Getting rid of Ratatouille the funky way...
Buried Dreams (05/20/2003) - 22 MB vimeoLink
The movie business is one of the hardest. Knowing that a young filmmaker arrives at a decision...
Notforkids (05/14/2003) - 03 MB vimeoLink
This is a crucial advice for young parents. Please take this seriously.
Work In Progress:
FILMS/MUSIC-VIDEOS: NMP HQ Dresden, Desperado-Mouse, Ratta-Tooi - Reloaded, Triple Amnesia, Retro Rampage, Cam-Pong, Good Bye Duke, Perfect 10, The Sound of Silence, Commercial Collections, 2 Kids 3D, Musical-Commercial: Foxy White - The Toothless Monster vs. Pacman, Socca Feva, Casted Away, Disco-Mouse, Mutanthoefers Infection, Salesman, Buried Dreams - Remixed, The Art of Falling Apart, Tron: Pop Up Audio Book - Saxonian Edition, The Difference Between Men and Boys, Handheld, Vertigo
MUSIC: Scissorscientist et al. - Sicking, NMP vs. Paradroid - NMP-Song, Scissor Scientists - Appendix EP, Paradroid feat. S.M.D. - I am the future
VIDEOGAMES: Spot the Difference